Implant Options

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Implant Options

Replacing a Single Missing Tooth

When a single tooth is missing, the two most common treatment options are the traditional tooth supported bridge and an implant supported crown. When a traditional bridge is used to replace a missing tooth, the adjacent teeth are cut down into peg shapes in order to fit the cemented bridge in place. This method of tooth replacement can be very esthetic and functional for a period of time. However, a tooth-supported bridge does not replace the bone that previously surrounded the root. Since there is no longer a root to hold the bone in place, the bone deteriorates or melts away.

Advantages of replacing a single missing tooth

  • It looks, feels and functions like a natural tooth
  • It is much more esthetic long-term
  • It does not decay
  • There is no need to grind down the adjacent natural teeth
  • The bone is preserved, preventing a visible bony defect
  • It is more hygienic (easier to clean) than a tooth-supported bridge

Replacing Multiple Missing Teeth

When more than one tooth is missing, there are three common treatment options: the traditional tooth supported bridge, a removable partial denture, and an implant supported bridge. In this situation the benefits of implant-supported teeth are even more obvious.

A removable prosthesis, such as a partial denture, actually accelerates the bone resorption (deterioration) process that occurs naturally when teeth are lost or removed. In addition, the clasps that hold the partial denture in place put significant pressure on the natural teeth they hook onto, loosening them and, in many cases, eventually leading to the loss of those teeth. Most patients with partial dentures state that they are uncomfortable and that they rarely wear them.

Advantages of replacing multiple missing teeth

  • They look feel and function like natural teeth
  • They are much more comfortable and stable than partial dentures
  • They virtually stop the bone resorption (deterioration) process
  • The integrity of the facial structures is maintained
  • Adjacent natural teeth are not compromised (ground down into peg shapes or loosened)

Replacing All of the Teeth

Disadvantages of replacing all teeth with dentures

  • Dentures are uncomfortable and often painful
  • Dentures do not look natural, especially when eating
  • As the bone continues to melt away, the dentures become loose, and can fall out when laughing, sneezing, or coughing without the use of adhesives
  • People without their teeth and supporting bone visibly age much faster
  • Wearing dentures usually undermines a person’s self confidence (they have missing body parts and do not feel complete or natural)
  • People with dentures cannot eat certain foods, such as steak, corn on the cob, and apples
  • People with dentures generally have bad breath

These problems can be solved with implant supported replacement teeth, which are stable (securely fastened to the implants) and maintain the integrity of the facial structures by preserving the bone.

Advantages of implant-supported replacement teeth

  • They are more comfortable and stable than traditional dentures
  • They virtually stop the bone resorption (deterioration) process
  • Integrity of the facial structures is maintained
  • Appearance is improved
  • It is not necessary to cover the roof of the mouth so food can be tasted
  • Relines and repairs are infrequent compared to traditional dentures
  • Natural biting and chewing capacity is restored

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